FoamTree demo
#Javascript, Carrot, FoamTree, 泡沫樹
FoamTree demo
<!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <title>foamtree polygon Demo</title> <!--使用lodash--> <script src=""></script> <!--使用foamtree--> <script src=""></script> <style> body { background-color: black; font-family: Arial; } #app { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="app"></div> <script> let imgs = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ] //groups let groups =, function (src) { let title = _.split(src, '/').pop() let group = { //title title: title, //per-group random number random: 0.8 + 0.2 * Math.random(), //Low-resolution image image: undefined, imageLoaded: false, //true when image has just been loaded imageLoadedTime: undefined, //time the image completed loading, used for fading-in animation //High-resolution image hiresImage: undefined, //True when some image-specific data is loading loading: false, //Low-resolution image loaded with CORS headers crossOriginImage: undefined }; //load low-resolution image let img = new Image(); img.onload = function () { group.image = img; group.imageLoaded = true; group.imageLoadedTime =; foamtree.redraw(false, src); }; img.src = src return group; }) </script> <script> //foamtree let foamtree = new CarrotSearchFoamTree({ //id id: "app", //pixelRatio pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1, //Use a simple fading animation rolloutDuration: 0, pullbackDuration: 0, fadeDuration: 300, //Make the polygon fill entire viewport when exposed groupExposureZoomMargin: 0.02, //Draw the attribution in dark colors to match the theme of this demo attributionTheme: "dark", //Draw custom content during animations wireframeContentDecorationDrawing: "always", //The decorator that draws our images and loading spinner animation. groupContentDecorator: function (opts, props, vars) { //The canvas 2d context on which we'll be drawing let ctx = props.context; //The group we're requested to draw. let group =; //Current time, we'll need it to draw animations let now =; //Don't draw default labels and polygons vars.groupLabelDrawn = false; vars.groupPolygonDrawn = false; //Fading-in of the image that was just loaded and fading-out of the loading spinner animation. let imageAlpha = 0; if (group.image) { //Image is available, fade it in imageAlpha = Math.min(1, (now - group.imageLoadedTime) / 300); ctx.globalAlpha = imageAlpha; drawImage(); } if (imageAlpha < 1 || group.loading) { //Image still loading of fading-in, draw spinner animation. ctx.globalAlpha = group.loading ? 1.0 : 1 - imageAlpha; drawSpinner(); //Schedule a redraw of this group. foamtree.redraw(false, group); } //Draws the loading spinner animation function drawSpinner() { let cx = props.polygonCenterX; let cy = props.polygonCenterY; if (props.shapeDirty) { //If group's polygon changed, recompute the radius of the inscribed polygon. group.spinnerRadius = CarrotSearchFoamTree.geometry.circleInPolygon(props.polygon, cx, cy) * 0.1; } // Draw the spinner. Advance the animation based on the current time. let angle = 2 * Math.PI * (now % 1000) / 1000; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(cx, cy, group.spinnerRadius, angle, angle + Math.PI / 5, true); ctx.strokeStyle = "white"; ctx.lineWidth = group.spinnerRadius * 0.3; ctx.stroke(); } //Draws the image in the group's polygon. function drawImage() { // If the group's polygon changed or image has just loaded, recompute the geometry-dependent elements. if (props.shapeDirty || group.imageLoaded) { group.imageLoaded = false; //Bounding box of the polygon group.boundingBox = CarrotSearchFoamTree.geometry.boundingBox(props.polygon); //Rectangle inscribed in the polygon. We'll set the aspect ratio of the rectangle to be the //same as the aspect ratio of the image. When the group is exposed, we'll draw the full //image in the inscribed rectangle. group.inscribedBox = CarrotSearchFoamTree.geometry.rectangleInPolygon( props.polygon, props.polygonCenterX, props.polygonCenterY, group.image.width / group.image.height, 0.95); //Check if there's enough space for the label. If not, shift the inscribed box upwards a bit. let descriptionHeight = group.boundingBox.y + group.boundingBox.h - group.inscribedBox.y - group.inscribedBox.h; let minDescriptionHeight = 0.125 * group.boundingBox.h; if (descriptionHeight < minDescriptionHeight) { group.inscribedBox = CarrotSearchFoamTree.geometry.rectangleInPolygon( props.polygon, props.polygonCenterX, props.polygonCenterY - (minDescriptionHeight - descriptionHeight), group.image.width / group.image.height, 0.95); } //Clear the label buffer. We'll lay out the label when needed. group.labelBuffer = null; } //Choose the right resolution image. We randomize the point at which we switch to the high-res image for each group let image; if (group.hiresImage && (group.boundingBox.w * props.viewportScale * group.random > group.image.width || group.boundingBox.h * props.viewportScale * group.random > group.image.height)) { image = group.hiresImage; } else { image = group.image; } //animate the image rectangle during the expose animation. let mainImageBox; let exposure = props.exposure; if (exposure <= 0) { //Not exposed, render cropped image mainImageBox = group.boundingBox; } else if (exposure == 1) { //Exposed, render full image mainImageBox = group.inscribedBox; } else { //Expose animation in progress, transition the image rectangle geometry. mainImageBox = { x: group.boundingBox.x * (1 - exposure) + group.inscribedBox.x * exposure, y: group.boundingBox.y * (1 - exposure) + group.inscribedBox.y * exposure, w: group.boundingBox.w * (1 - exposure) + group.inscribedBox.w * exposure, h: group.boundingBox.h * (1 - exposure) + group.inscribedBox.h * exposure }; } //Set the group polygon path on the drawing context. ctx.beginPath(); props.polygonContext.replay(ctx); ctx.closePath(); //Since the image is larger than the polygon, we'll need to apply clipping so that we don't draw beyond the polygon's area.; ctx.clip(); //If the group is exposed, draw full image and the blurred backdrop. if (exposure > 0) { // Make the backdrop a bit darker. ctx.fillStyle = "#000000"; ctx.fill(); //If blurred image is not available, draw a heavily cropped original image as the background and make it even darker.; ctx.globalAlpha *= group.blurredImage ? 0.6 : 0.3; drawImageInBox(group.blurredImage || group.image, group.boundingBox, group.blurredImage ? undefined : 2); ctx.restore(); //When the expose animation is almost complete, draw some basic info about the photo. if (exposure > 0.9) { //re-layout text (which is costly) only when the geometry of the polygon changes. if (!group.labelBuffer) { //draw title let title = group.title //Create the label buffer group.labelBuffer = ctx.scratch(); //Put the title line directly below the image rectangle. let info = group.labelBuffer.fillPolygonWithText(props.polygon, props.polygonCenterX, group.inscribedBox.y + group.inscribedBox.h, title, { verticalAlign: "top", maxFontSize: group.boundingBox.h / 30, fontFamily: "Arial" }); if ( { // If there was enough space for the title, lay out author and views information. // Put those directly below the title.; group.labelBuffer.globalAlpha = 0.6; group.labelBuffer.fillPolygonWithText(props.polygon, props.polygonCenterX, +, '', { verticalAlign: "top", maxFontSize: info.fontSize, fontFamily: "Arial", verticalPadding: 0 }); group.labelBuffer.restore(); } } //Fade-in the label ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, " + (8.5 * (exposure - 0.9)).toFixed(2) + ")"; group.labelBuffer.replay(ctx); } } //Draw the main image if (exposure > 0 || props.hovered) { drawImageInBox(image, mainImageBox); } else {; ctx.globalAlpha *= 0.9; drawImageInBox(image, mainImageBox); ctx.restore(); } ctx.restore(); //Draw a subtle polygon outline ctx.strokeStyle = props.exposure > 0 || props.hovered ? "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)" : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)"; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.stroke(); //Draws the image positioned in the provided rectangle. function drawImageInBox(image, box, multiplier) { let groupWidthToHeight = box.w / box.h; let imageWidthToHeight = image.width / image.height; let scale = groupWidthToHeight < imageWidthToHeight ? box.h / image.height : box.w / image.width; let xOffset = box.x / scale, yOffset = box.y / scale; if (groupWidthToHeight < imageWidthToHeight) { scale = box.h / image.height; xOffset -= (image.width - box.w / scale) / 2; } else { scale = box.w / image.width; yOffset -= (image.height - box.h / scale) / 2; } group.scale = scale;; ctx.scale(scale, scale); ctx.translate(xOffset, yOffset); if (multiplier) { ctx.translate(image.width / 2, image.height / 2); ctx.scale(multiplier, multiplier); ctx.translate(-image.width / 2, -image.height / 2); } ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); ctx.restore(); } } }, //Call group content decorator on every polygon draw. groupContentDecoratorTriggering: "onSurfaceDirty", //Expose group on single click onGroupClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //Unexpose if clicked outside of any polygon if (! { this.set("exposure", null); return; } switch (this.get("state", { case -1: case 0: //Clicked group is not exposed: compute blurred image and expose. if ( && ! { = Blur.stackBlur(, 16); } this.set("exposure",; break; case 1: //Clicked group is exposed, unexpose. this.set("exposure", null); break; } }, //Prevent default action (expose) on double click onGroupDoubleClick: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); } }); //set foamtree.set("dataObject", { groups: groups }); //Resize on window size changes window.addEventListener("resize", function () { _.delay(function () { foamtree.resize() }, 300) }); </script> </body> </html>
#Javascript, Carrot, FoamTree, 泡沫樹